"Diversität leben - eigentlich ist das für uns alle Alltag. Aber diese Diversität wollen und müssen wir auch im Arbeitsleben noch konsequenter abbilden. Davon profitieren wir, Diversität ist heute Grundvoraussetzung für Erfolg!" Das Statement kommt von Herzen. Sehen Sie selbst!
Today, our subsidiaries ENOPLAN and CONSULECTRA are part of the Energy & Environment business unit. They provide decision-making certainty and tailor-made solutions in all matters relating to energy usage and optimisation.

CONSULECTRA advises businesses, local authorities and government agencies on grid planning and grid operation. Its areas of expertise are information technology and power station technology, with a portfolio that includes electromobility in public transport, project planning for cable routes, transformer stations and switchgear, as well as the planning, development, operation and maintenance of power plant facilities. As a planning and consultancy firm in the energy industry, CONSULECTRA supports utility companies of all sizes in Germany and abroad in the switch to renewable energies.

In particular, CONSULECTRA is an expert in IT security for critical infrastructures (KRITIS). This designation applies to organisations or facilities of particular importance in ensuring the supply of essential goods to the public and maintaining the economic and social well-being of the country as a whole. CONSULECTRA’s engineers advise, test and certify to prevent failures or disruptions, and thus help to avoid supply shortages, significant public safety breakdowns or other dramatic consequences.

Via an integrated approach, Group sister company ENOPLAN delivers decision-making certainty in the energy sector.
Its core competencies are commercial and technical optimisation and support for all network-based energy types (electricity / gas / district heat) as well as water and wastewater. ENOPLAN offers special expertise in risk avoidance in all energy-related issues – such as statutory rebate claims or reporting obligations for decentralised power generating facilities – as well as advice on energy procurement and energy efficiency. ENOPLAN’s services also include calculating CO2 footprints and advising on ways to reduce CO2 emissions.

The integrated approach is complemented by consumption optimisation using digital meters and proprietary analysis tools from the subsidiary ENOMETRIK. In Germany alone, ENOMETRIK has so far installed more than 7,000 meters to help its customers save energy and digitally optimise their usage.
RWTÜV and today the Group with its subsidiaries has been a reliable partner alongside energy producers and consumers for 150 years. We will continue to support, test and certify the path towards clean and climate-neutral energy production and use into the future!