"Diversität leben - eigentlich ist das für uns alle Alltag. Aber diese Diversität wollen und müssen wir auch im Arbeitsleben noch konsequenter abbilden. Davon profitieren wir, Diversität ist heute Grundvoraussetzung für Erfolg!" Das Statement kommt von Herzen. Sehen Sie selbst!

Dear readers,
Do you also feel the energy that always lies at the beginning of the year? How the whole year still lies ahead of us like an unwritten book, waiting for exciting entries?
The first month of 2025 is already almost over! Nevertheless, we would like to wish you all a good and healthy start to the new year.
When RWTÜV writes the first chapter of the new book, the title will be “Common ground in the Group”. Pulling together, benefiting from synergies together, creating success together. Because the strategy for the coming years up to 2030 operates under the motto “move as one”.
For us, “move” summarizes all activities with which not only we in the RWTÜV Group make progress, are innovative and have success, but with which you also achieve progress in the companies or grow in your professional development. With “as one”, we express the fact that there is quality, strength and uniqueness in our diversity, which develops convincing strength when working together.
Thomas Biedermann and Fabian Fechner

Under the catchy name CSK Alliance (Cyber Security Competence Alliance), the RWTÜV Group subsidiaries apro.gmbh, cetecom advanced and cesitec GmbH have joined forces to tailor a completely new cyber security training package in cooperation with their partner aqupe.
It is aimed at manufacturers of so-called ICT products - i.e. products with integrated technology for collecting, storing, transmitting or processing data and information such as computers, smartphones, but also networks or machines and operational technology. They are faced with a wide variety of standards and regulations with the most diverse implications. KRITIS companies in particular are under obligation and the requirements in terms of cyber security pose major challenges for product developers and managers.
The CSK Alliance offers practical training courses that are individually modeled to meet the requirements of customer companies. Here, the appropriate knowledge is imparted to enable companies to position themselves securely in the digital world. The content is geared towards the specific needs of the industry and requirement group and takes into account the interdependencies and dependencies of legal cyber security framework regulations.
By combining the special expertise of the RWTÜV subsidiaries apro.gmbh, cetecom advanced and cesitec GmbH, the implications of standards and regulatory synergies can be applied simultaneously in a prototype model for the manufacturers of ICT products, and a coherent cyber security guiding concept can be developed.
The new RWTÜV CSK Alliance training sets the most important standards for customer companies and thus creates the basis for sustainable security in the digital age. Above all, however, it sets the tone for the “move as one” approach adopted by RWTÜV with success through cooperation and synergy within the Group.

isn is a provider of various in-service training formats. It has a broad portfolio, from the intensive innovation manager training course lasting just a few weeks in cooperation with the TÜV AUSTRIA Academy to the part-time Master's course in Innovation Management over four semesters at the Universität für Weiterbildung Krems, which also leads to a TÜV-certified degree.
Promoting creativity and professionalizing innovation is something the RWTÜV Group has been committed to for more than just the past year. The participation in the Austrian company isn - innovation service network in 2024 was a further step on the path taken at the beginning of the decade. So it's time to focus on the services offered by this not-so-new Group member, which of course offers much more than just being a platform and back-end supporter of the Group's annual internal ideas competition.
By combining up-to-date knowledge with many years of experience, participants can learn the job profile of innovation management. Graduates of the various courses hold top positions and actively shape the future of companies, from innovation strategy and idea development to the implementation of new solutions and digital business models.
Reinhard Willfort, Managing Director of isn – innovation service network and his team are happy to provide information and answer any questions.

EcoVadis is a platform that supports companies in managing ESG risks and compliance. The aim is to achieve sustainability targets and thus have a positive impact.
At the end of last year, the Van Ameyde Group applied for a rating in Germany – and achieved silver status in the EcoVadis rating from a standing start. This puts the RWTÜV subsidiary among the 15% of the most sustainable companies that have undergone this rating.
The criteria examined are based on international CSR standards such as the ten principles of the UN Global Compact or the conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO). A total of 21 aspects from the areas of the environment, labor practices and human rights, fair business relationships, sustainable procurement and many more from Van Ameyde's day-to-day work were examined.
Thomas Biedermann congratulates the RWTÜV subsidiary from the Insurance Services business unit: “Sustainability and corporate ethics are important not only to Van Ameyde but to the entire RWTÜV Group. Both are essential components of our corporate culture and will continue to play a major role in our development and success in the future.”

The third module of the RWTÜV Group's management training course at the “Land Gut Höhne” conference hotel in mid-January focused on stress and escalation management for the 16 participants in addition to team building in the spirit of “move as one”.
Leadership coach and mental trainer Katrin Hormann, management coach Wibke Schindler and change management consultant Jörg Krause made up the team from the Klar & Quirlig agency, with whom the RWTÜV Group organizes this series of management training courses. They provided those present with discussion guidelines, practical behavioral tips and illustrative case studies.
The agenda included how to present oneself as professionally as possible in difficult conversational circumstances, how to find solutions even for seemingly deadlocked situations and how to protect one's own mental health in the face of challenges or difficulties. The new lawyer in the RWTÜV team, Evelyn Beck, provided background information on legal aspects with a wealth of experience and practical background.
Including after the end of the official part of the event, the country estate provided the perfect backdrop for a relaxed exchange between the managers of the various RWTÜV subsidiaries. Managing Directors Thomas Biedermann and Dr. Fabian Fechner used the relaxed atmosphere to spread a motivating spirit for 2025.