Top theme: Human Relations

Dear Readers,

RWTÜV GmbH acts as the strategic management and financial holding company of the RWTÜV Group. Our task is therefore to manage all key Group activities and to expand the Group – this means that we can take a look at the bigger picture for our subsidiaries and focus more intensively on developing values such as integrity, entrepreneurship, diversity and sustainability. In this way, we support our subsidiaries while they continue to focus on their day-to-day business. Examples include the lessons learned from our World Women's Challenge and the meeting of the Management Initiative in Cologne!

Tackling the shortage of skilled workers is now part of our day-to-day business, but we are still trying to play an active role in this area within the Group. This issue of the newsletter is once again about HR – we never tire of emphasizing this: Good HR management within companies and adept recruiting are vital these days.

In this issue, we also focus on Group subsidiary Enoplan, which is not only successfully touring Germany with a new trade fair format, but has also given itself a new brand image. Also in the best spirit of a top employer in close consultation with the employees. This month we are launching the newsletter in what we think is a more reader-friendly format. You will now only find a short "introductory text" in the email, and if we pique your interest, you can click through to the full article. This means that our mail is shorter and you can jump between topics more easily.

Read and judge for yourself! We hope you enjoy it

Thomas Biedermann and Fabian Fechner


The initiative 'Leadership training for the second management level' went into the next round. Thirteen colleagues met in a relaxed setting at the German Sport & Olympia Museum in Cologne. Using sporting examples, trainers Wibke Schindler and Elke Gogolin and their colleague Jörg Krause demonstrated how playing with one's own limits can lead to a much better assessment of the other person's limits. Short presentations and workshops, including those by RWTÜV HR Business Partner Natascha Winter and RWTÜV Managing Director Thomas Biedermann, focused on content and know-how for effective HR: employee motivation, leadership and discussions were the focus, as were talent and potential development, team creation and team development.

The supporting program with a visit to a brewery and a guided tour of Cologne Cathedral rounded off the informative program.


The RWTÜV management and the organizational team led by Natascha Winter were enthusiastic about the 14 creative ideas submitted as part of the World Women's Challenge 2024 for strengthening women and their interests in the RWTÜV Group. The overall picture was so inspiring that the decision-making committee agreed to pursue not just a few selected proposals, but all of them.

In order to tackle this in a practical way, four clusters were formed under the following headings: 

  1. awareness / STEM / education / testimonials
  2. rotation / re-entry / part-time / compatibility
  3. visibility / opportunities / support / networking / WISTA
  4. equal pay / prevention

Under the leadership of selected HR managers and with the participation of the respective idea providers, strategies and implementation plans are now being developed and integrated into everyday working life as quickly as possible. Anyone interested is welcome to participate at any time via RWTÜV HR business partner Natascha Winter.


Driven not least by the major changes in the energy market, RWTÜV subsidiary Enoplan has undergone a special change process in recent years. This process was supervised and coordinated by Tanja Müller, Management Assistant, among others. Her responsibilities contain strategic and conceptual projects, as well as the development of a consistent corporate identity, including a meaningful and powerful external image for the company. 

Ms. Müller, why did Enoplan need a new brand identity?

Tanja Müller: In recent years, there have been numerous changes in the energy market that required a realignment of our business areas and an internal transformation process. 

We had to reposition our company for the future. Over the past two years, we have therefore taken various steps and developed new strategies. These included adapting business processes, introducing new products or services and optimizing our internal structures. 

We then wanted to make these significant internal changes visible through a new brand identity. Based on it, our entire external presentation was now revised, in particular our website, which provides user-friendly access to our new products and services.

How did the process work?

Tanja Müller: In collaboration with a corporate design agency, we worked out the core of our brand with all its uniqueness, goals and contrasts in interviews with our colleagues. From this, we were able to derive our corporate identity, goals and culture. The direct involvement of employees made it possible to develop a brand strategy based on the actual needs and values of our organization. In a subsequent brand workshop with representatives of the customer service teams and the management, the mood from the various specialist areas was compared with the perspective of the management. 

In the subsequent brand analysis and with various rounds of feedback with us, the colleagues, the agency developed the central brand strategy for Enoplan, our core values, a mission, a vision and a brand character. Based on this, a suitable design was finally created. 

And how has the new image been received?

Tanja Müller: We were surprised at first when we only received one proposal from the agency. But since all employees were intensively involved in the long process, the new logo and the overall design totally inspire us all. We see our values reflected, and we find ourselves and our mission and vision perfectly mirrored. The logo combines the central themes of energy, customer proximity, sustainability, and communication. It looks fresh, modern and has a high recognition value. We are firmly convinced that the new brand identity will help us to further consolidate and expand our position as a quality leader in the energy sector!


On April 11, 2024, the first Enoplan energy trade fair took place at the RWTÜV Group headquarters in Essen. The fact that the kick-off event was already fully booked shortly after the dates were published is not surprising, as the program focused exclusively on "hot topics": 45-minute presentations each covered subjects such as energy purchasing, in-house generation and rebates, energy efficiency systems and sustainability management. 

The Enoplan team of experts was at full strength, consisting of CEO Ralf Schade, speakers Ulrike Jäger, Henrique Zenere, Rik Amberger, David Eiermann and Tobias Bloch. ENOMETRIK Managing Director Johannes Fast also gave a lecture on the topic of measurement technology. 

45 company representatives formed a knowledgeable audience who not only saw their many questions about legal reporting deadlines or reimbursement options, purchasing strategies, e-mobility, standards or ESG dealt with by the presentations, but were also able to discuss details during the subsequent networking and in the walk through the additional themed exhibition. 

Further dates and registration options can be found at