"Diversität leben - eigentlich ist das für uns alle Alltag. Aber diese Diversität wollen und müssen wir auch im Arbeitsleben noch konsequenter abbilden. Davon profitieren wir, Diversität ist heute Grundvoraussetzung für Erfolg!" Das Statement kommt von Herzen. Sehen Sie selbst!

Offering certification under ISO standards enabled RWTÜV to transform its international business. In 1991, the first TÜVCERT certificate was issued. In 1993, RWTÜV had its own certification body, and had awarded 100 certificates. In 1994, the 1000th was issued – to great celebration!
Incrementally, the scope and range of testing were extended internationally, and the scope of certification was expanded to include entire plants and processes. The ISO 9000 quality management standard, originally developed for manufacturing enterprises, was established for services. At the same time, the management of RWTÜV stepped up its involvement on committees and boards, as well as its participation in the development of regulations and standards. In this field, RWTÜV moved into new regions together with German industry, which was increasingly outsourcing its production. In 2005, RWTÜV awarded nearly 2,500 certificates in Germany – and almost 11,000 internationally! Soon, thanks to ISO 9000 certification for management systems, additional branches were established in many more countries such as Poland, Turkey, Brazil, Argentina and China.